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  • Writer's pictureJ.D. King

When You are Seated in Heavenly Places, the World Looks Different

Updated: Apr 26

Many fail to grasp a profound truth: redeemed men and women serve as a public display of the triumph of the cross. Our connection with the Heavenly Father isn't just about personal benefits; it is also about showcasing the Lord's dominion and dispelling darkness.

The Apostle Paul highlights this reality, writing: “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 3:10).

Believers are supposed to display the divine attributes, counteracting the influence of principalities and powers. Yet, how do we do this?

After years of prayer and reflection, I think I'm starting to understand one of the ways this is accomplished. While still residing on earth, believers were meant to "dwell" in heavenly realms, adopting the attitudes and mindset of the Heavenly Father.

Operating from this elevated perspective revolutionizes everything. Those who do so disentangle themselves from the "lower realms." Instead of praying “upward” from a place of anxiety, believers pray “downward” with sense of empowerment and grace.

When this is truly lived out, it enables one to come into alignment with the glorious purposes of the Kingdom.

As you and I surrender to God's rhythms, we rediscover a forgotten harmony. This resonating song coursing through your being transforms the cosmos in a myriad of ways.

Displaying the manifold wisdom of God is not about loud protests or taking defensive stances against evil; it's about embracing "sonship." You need to recognize that your relational identity before the Heavenly Father drives out darkness like nothing else.

You were adopted into God's heavenly family to radiate beauty and wonder to a broken world. This truth must never be forgotten.

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