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Discovering Who You Are in God’s Presence

Writer's picture: J.D. KingJ.D. King

Updated: Feb 6

It is time to discover who you really are
It is time to discover who you really are

Moving forward in God’s extraordinary plans for your life becomes nearly impossible when you’re unsure of your identity. Understanding who you are is foundational to stepping into your destiny because what you do flows directly from who you are.

In Judges 6:12-16, we meet Gideon, a wheat thresher filled with insecurity and doubt. The angel of the LORD greets him with a declaration that seems absurd: “Mighty warrior, the LORD is with you!”

Gideon’s immediate response reflects his low self-image. He reminds the angel of his insignificance—his clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and he is the least in his family. How could someone so small save Israel from the Midianites?

We Don’t Know Who We Are Until We Encounter God

This moment reveals a profound truth: we often define ourselves by our past, weaknesses, or social standing, but God sees us differently. Gideon didn’t grasp his true identity until he encountered God’s presence. In that glory, a deeper understanding was revealed. When God called him a mighty warrior, He wasn’t speaking to Gideon’s feelings but to the potential He had placed within him.

Like Gideon, we discover our identity in God’s presence. In His glory, we rise beyond our limitations, stepping into the fullness of who He created us to be.

God Chooses the Out-of-the-Way

The world often values status, power, and appearances. Even within the church, people can evaluate success through worldly metrics. But God’s ways are not our ways. He chooses the forgotten, the overlooked, and the unlikely to accomplish His purposes.

Take the Smithton Outpouring as an example. This powerful move of God erupted in an unknown, rural town. I don’t think anyone would have picked this tiny place in the middle of the Missouri cornfields to host an explosive revival, but God did.

Similarly, Gideon’s story shows how God works through unassuming people and places to reveal His power.

We often write ourselves off, believing we are too small, too weak, or too insignificant for God’s purposes. But as Hudson Taylor famously said, “All of God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they believed that God would be with them.”1

God Qualifies Those He Calls

Gideon wasn’t a warrior by anyone's standards. He lacked the pedigree, training, and confidence needed for battle. But God is not limited by human qualifications. He doesn’t require impressive resumes or accolades—He requires hearts willing to trust Him.

Throughout Scripture, God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Gideon’s story is a reminder that God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called. It’s his power, not our credentials, that determines success.

Overcoming Inner Battles to Step Into God’s Promise

Gideon’s greatest struggle wasn’t with the Midianites; it was within himself. Like many of us, he was trapped by fear, doubt, and self-reliance. His focus on his limitations blinded him to God’s limitless power.

To fulfill God’s purposes, we must win the battle in our hearts and minds. Fear and inadequacy are often our greatest enemies, but when we trust in God’s promises, we can overcome them. Gideon’s story teaches us that our strength doesn’t come from us—it comes from God. When we shift our perspective from our limitations to God’s power, we step into the fullness of His calling.

Stepping Into Victory

Gideon’s transformation is a testament to the power of trusting God. Once he embraced the truth of God’s presence, he rose above his fears and led Israel to victory. His story reminds us of what’s possible when we stop viewing ourselves through the lens of our inadequacies and start seeing ourselves through the lens of God’s promise and calling.

When we allow God to define us, we can step into the amazing plans He has for our lives—plans that exceed our wildest expectations. Let Gideon’s journey inspire you to rise above your doubts, trust in God’s power, and fulfill the destiny He has prepared for you.


  1. J. Hudson Taylor, China’s Millions (London: Morgan and Scott, 1875).

Steve Gray and I wrote a new book that's being published through Chosen Books. Check it out here.

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